
Tacitus bellus美丽莲/别露珠



BELLUS Moran & Meyrán, 1974 (engl./ fr.)

Distribution : Mexico (Chihuahua), east-exposed rocks, 1600 m.

Description (according to IHSP, 2003) :

Rosette plants, main root thickened, to 4 mm in diameter.

Stems short.

Rosette flat and densely leafy, 3 – 8 cm in diameter, with ± 25 – 30 leaves, solitary or forming groups.

Leaves obovate to cuneate, broadly obtuse to rounded, 2 – 3.5 x 1.5 – 2-8 cm, 4 – 5 mm thick, mostly dark or grayish-green, mucro 2 mm and somewhat papillose.
叶片倒卵形的到楔形,宽钝到圆形,2-3.5 x 1.5-2.8厘米,4-5毫米厚,主要w为黑或灰绿色,2毫米,稍具小乳突尖。

Inflorescences erect thyrses with 1 – 4 ascending scorpioid branches with up to 3 flowers each, scape 1.5 – 3.5 cm, green, pedicels 10 – 25 mm.

Flowers (rarely 4- or) 5 merous, (almost) unscented, sepals elliptic to oblong, acute, almost equal, recurved towards the end of the anthesis, 6 – 11 x 2 – 4 mm, pale green, corolla (23-) 30 – 38 mm in diameter, petals elliptic-acute, ± deep rose-coloured, tube cup-shaped, 3 – 4 x 4 – 6 mm, lobes elliptic-ovate, acute, margins entire or finely denticulate in the middle, 11 – 18 x 6 – 10 mm, without pattern, basally with 2 rounded outgrowths that close the mouth of the tube and embrace the epipetal filaments,filaments 7 – 11 mm, basally fused with the corolla tube for 3 – 4 mm, rose-coloured.
花(很少4或)5瓣,(几乎)无迹,萼片椭圆形到长圆形,急性,几乎相等,花期结束时下弯,6-11 x 2-4毫米,淡绿色,花冠直径(23-)30-38毫米,花瓣椭圆形急性,±深玫瑰色,管杯状,3–4 x 4–6毫米,裂片椭圆状卵形,急性,边缘全缘或具小齿在中间,11–18 x 6–10毫米,没有花纹,基部具2圆形突起,封闭管口, 包住花丝,花丝7–11毫米合生,基部与花冠筒3–4毫米,玫瑰色。

Cytology : n = ± 204
染色体:n =±204

Discovery of Tacitus bellus by Alfred Lau

"This plant I discovered years ago and I brought it home thinking it might have been a Graptopetalum; potted it and put it to one side and temporarily forgot about it, until one day my son Alfred asked me to come to the greenhouse to see the lovely flower; when I got there I found that it was not a Graptopetalum but a new plant altogether.

A little later, I took it to Mexico City to Dr. Bravo at the University there. She was so excited about it that she immediately phoned Dr. Meyrán asking him to come as soon as possible with his best camera. Later it was published under its present name Tacitus bellus, and has been called the succulent of the seventies, and my first plant discovery.
一段时间以后,我就去墨西哥市的大学找到布拉沃博士。她对此十分激动以至于她马上打电话给Meyrán博士并要他尽快带着他最好的相机来。后来它改名为Tacitus bellus发布,被称作是七十年代的多肉,我第一个发现的植物。

It came out on several calendars and is used in Germany as a Mothers' Day plant. It is very easy to propagate and each leaf, when detached, produces 1-2 or even 3 new plants. When I found it in 1972 I brought back 3 plants and now there are millions in the world."

This was a part of A. Lau's talk at the Convention CSS in Melbourne in June 1982,published in 'The Spine' Vol. 30 No. 3 June 1982.
这是A. Lau与 1982年六月在墨尔本公约CSS讲话的一部分,于1982年六月发表在'The Spine'30卷3号。

Note :A seedling from Tacitus bellus is wrongly called Tacitus bellus 'Superstar'. This name is not correct, because the plant is a hybrid, possibly with Graptopetalum rusbyi and therefore it has to be called xTacipetalum 'Superstar'.
注:美丽莲被错误地称为Tacitus bellus 'Superstar'。这个名称是不正确的,因为植物是一种杂交,可能与银天女有亲缘关系,因此也被称为xTacipetalum 'Superstar'.。

Photo Paul Neut

Photos Noelene Tomlinson

来自ICN Tacitus条目




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